Homeless to Stardom – The incredible success story of Sunil

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Homeless to Stardom – The incredible success story of Sunil

Like many of the children at Deenabandhu Home, Sunil was just a child when he arrived at the orphanage. He was only 7 years old when Deenabandhu decided to take him under its wings, give him a new home, a new family and hope for a better future.
Sunil lived with his ailing mother in a bus stand, living off of the streets and the kindness of strangers. After his mother’s death, Sunil was left alone and had nowhere to go. For young Sunil, the future seemed bleak and desolate. This was until Deenabandhu found Sunil and decided to take him into their home.Since it was found in 1992, Deenabandhu Trust has been working towards the education and rehabilitation of orphan, destitute and estranged children. Located in Chamarajnagar in Karnataka, it is currently home to 45 boys and 31 girls.

Growing up at the children’s home, Sunil showed a lot of promise and excelled in several fields including sports and acting. He developed a keen interest particularly towards dancing and acting. He was encouraged to participate and showcase his skills at various events and was also made a part of numerous street plays and short films. After he finished his 10th, special arrangements were made to train Sunil to hone his skills and talent.

During one such training, Sunil had the opportunity to audition for a Kannada TV serial and was selected. Sunil now plays the lead role in the serial ‘Shani’ which broadcasts regularly on all weekdays on the ‘Colour Kannada’ channel.  Sunil is now one of the most celebrated TV stars in Karnataka.

At Deenabandhu, every child is educated, nurtured and supported till he/she reaches economic self-reliance. Every effort is made to ensure that children are brought up in an environment of love, support and acceptance which Deenabandhu realises has a wonderful healing effect in helping children move on from their indelible and often traumatic past.

Apart from normal academics, children are exposed to extracurricular activities including classical music, classical dance, theater activity, film making, sculpturing and such. Tailored and regular inter personal interactions help facilitate all-round development of the children. Many children have made remarkable progress through Deenbandhu’s support and intervention.

“With love, acceptance and encouragement no child feels deprived. He can dare to dream and reach the Sky!” – Deenabandhu Team