Cinematic twist in Naveen’s Story

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Cinematic twist in Naveen’s Story

Naveen comes from a broken family, hailing from a village called Punajur, district of Chamarajanagara, Karnataka. His only surviving relative is his old grandmother, who still resides in his village.

Soon after his parents passed away, Deenbandhu Trust decided to support his education. With a little help from employees of CISCO and CAF India, Naveen was able to compete his education and find his true calling in cinematography and filming.

During his high school, he got involved in a media project, specially designed for high-school students during summer vacation. For the next four years (Class VIII to Class XI), Naveen was engrossed in the project. Year after year, he got better at film making. After completeing Class XII, he applied for a five-year diploma course at the Chamarajendra Academy of Visual Arts and got selected.

Naveen also got through photography course for specialization during his third year in college. Currently, he is in his final year of the course. Every child, no matter how deprived, has the potential to grow and reach the sky, Naveen has just begun. There are many children like Naveen, who, with love, acceptance and encouragement can dare to dream.