India Giving

India Giving is a research report designed to enhance understanding of the nature of giving in India. The report is based on a survey of 8,985 adults across 20 cities. It includes findings on donors’ motivation for giving, the causes they support, and their attitudes to giving.

Key findings from the report include:

  • 84% of people donated money to an individual or an organisation in the past year.
  • 27% of people gave money to a charitable organisation.
  • 70% of donors prefer to donate direct to beneficiaries.
  • Personal experience is the number one driver for giving, cited by 70% of people.
  • People are also motivated to give by their upbringing, family values marking special occasions.
  • The biggest barrier to giving, cited by 32% of people, is not being able to afford to give.
  • The top five causes that Indians would like to give to in future are religion, disability, homelessness, the elderly and education.
  • 52% of donors believe that a ‘lack of transparency hinders donations to NGOs’.

Download a copy of the report