Devi Will Win the Race

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Devi Will Win the Race


Hailing from a small village, called Kuranda in Nagercoil, Devi, 14 joined Isha Vidhya (a unit of Isha Education) as a pre-schooler. In this short span of time, Devi and her family have been through several ups and downs.

The family had dealt a severe blow in 2015, when her father, who worked for a fish-net company met with a near-fatal accident. Her father survived but was unable to work. Having a courageous mother was a boon. Devi had barely passed Class VI, yet her mother was determined to educate her children and empower them to chase their dreams. There were times they slept on an empty stomach, but she did not budge from her commitment.

After two trying years, her mother finally landed a job in a fish-net company. Today, she is the sole bread-winner, earning a humble ₹5,000 a month. With no financial support from relatives or friends, the family somehow manages.

Devi is a scholarship student and her education is sponsored by employees of CISCO through CAF India’s Employee Giving Programme. Devi excels in sports. From 2015 to 2018, she has won first prize in running, high jump and long jump. She has also won multiple cash prizes. She aims to buck up in academics and excel there too.

Devi is a sportswoman in the making and with the right encouragement and guidance, she will make a name for herself.